Introduction to Revamped UI Framework

Let’s talk about technology this Halloween. The 21st century or the technological era has immense tech options and evolution. The tech revolution has come up with a panacea that would loom the gap between the user and the tech in the form of various mobile or web applications, websites, apps, metaverse gaming, etc. Have you ever wondered about the magic behind the seamless interaction between the user and applications?

What tends the user to use Web apps or phone apps? The prime factor has been the  UI or what we called as a user interface which has been the ground for human-machine interaction. Building a front-end application requires the combined use of HTML, and CSS, which is merely responsible for the basic layout of the Webpage, visual formatting, and interactivity maintenance while building a front-end application. With the help of UI frameworks that denote the collection of written and tested codes in a repository, there have been zillions of creative interfaces designed.  Many frameworks are blooming in the market such as angular, react, semantic-UI, backbone.js, etc. 

In this article, we will be introducing our readers to a revamped UI framework that is cost-effective, efficient, and one of the popular frameworks used widely in the tech revolution period.

A quick overview of Vue.js

Vue.js is one of the progressive javascript frameworks that was created in 2014 by a google employee. It gained tremendous popularity due to its clear documentation, a large ready-made library, and low entrance threshold that helps developers to build efficient User interfaces. 

Vue is a framework and ecosystem that covers the most common features needed for front-end development. But the web is very diverse. What you create on the web varies greatly in shape and scope. With this in mind, Vue is designed to be flexible and incrementally customizable. Vue can be used in many ways depending on the use cases: 

👉Improve static HTML without build steps 

👉Embed as a web component on each page

👉Single Page Application (SPA)

👉Full Stack / Server Side Rendering (SSR)

👉Jamstack / Static Site Generation (SSG)

👉Target desktop, mobile, WebGL, and even devices

Vue uses a traditional Model View Controller or MVC architecture to view the UI of the website or mobile app by using its core library as the default view layer. Vue.js is simply a view-oriented product that interacts with views correctly.

Some important features of Vue.js

The most important concept at the back of the Vue improvement is to supply a miles easier idea than one of the Angular or any other frameworks, it really is why Vue is taken into consideration to be one of the beginner-friendliest frameworks, coming with well-elaborated documentation and a supportive community. Vue has an extensive collection of tools, such as end-to-end testing tools, plugin installation systems, browser debugging tools, server renderer, stage manager, and others. The important features of the frameworks that mark it to be one of the best choices are:

👉 Component-based architecture

👉 Document Object Model

👉 High-Speed Performance 

👉 It is a Two-faced framework

The parallel aspects in React and Vue.js

Any of the above frameworks are chosen as per the dependencies. React and vue.js differ in many aspects but at some point in time, their feature intersects. The similarities between react and vue.js that are constantly compared are as follows:

  1. Easy to learn, grasp, and have a clear documentation
  2. Vue.js and react both can work with pre-designed projects
  3. Both are equipped with a large number of ready-made tools and libraries, which significantly boosts the development process
  4. Have large communities where tasks are quickly resolved
  5. High-speed and efficient tools, performance, and capabilities
  6. Both tools are flexible and can be adjusted to solve the specific tasks of the client.

When to use Vue.js?

Vue.js is one of the best options when there’s a use case to build a single-page app completely from the beginning till execution and launch. Vue holds an easy integration mechanism with the server pages and supports developers with a wide range of powerful features such as tree shaking, code splitting, bundling, etc. It can be used for both web and mobile app development

Vue.js has been gaining immense popularity over the years because of the easy-to-go feature of the framework and implements the basic elements easily that any app or website requires to function as a UI.  Anyone with a basic idea of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can dive into Vue.js. 

This was a brief sneak peek at the Vue.js framework which is a thud in the UI space these days. Lucenta Solutions offer an efficient and comprehensive service and guidance in the UI/UX and app development space. Ramp up today to our platform and let us know your requirements and receive the most efficient and flawless application with a distinguished User Experience in your app today. Contact us today to learn more. 

Stay tuned to know more about Web and Mobile apps.

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